Dear Mr. Ed Conn,
Thank you for reminding me there really are nice people in this world. You, my friend, showed an act of kindness without one thought of what was in it for you. You see, my son plays basketball just because he loves it. He is not a starter and he rarely scores in a game. But last Saturday in a Basketball Tournament, he had 2 very important moments in that game that most kids only ever dream of having. At the last second buzzer in both overtime AND double overtime Jake made the shot that sent them into double overtime and sudden death. Ending in his highest scoring game ever with 4 points. (Yes, that's right, those were his only points in the game.)
But, that is not why I post this post. I post it because a kind man sitting just a few seats down from us makes this story so much better and something worth sharing. As we were all sitting in the stands in disbelief of both those shots, I actually remember saying, "I wish I had that on tape! This will be something Jake will remember forever and probably talk about with his grandkids."
Fast forward to the next day when a friend flagged me down and said "someone is looking for you." When I approached Mr. Conn, he handed me the DVD you see below and said, "I thought you might like this." Which brought me to tears.
You see, Mr. Conn was there to watch his grandson who was playing on the opposing team. He told me he tapes everyone of his 41 grandchildren's games. (Yes, that's not a typo, he has 41 grandchildren.) Thank you Mr. Conn. Even though we lost that game in sudden death, we felt like the true winners that day because we had the pleasure of meeting you. We are blessed that we got to experience your generosity and kindness and your act just brightened our whole day.
I promise Mr. Conn that we will pay it forward and continue to pass on your kindness just as you did for us. Thank you for reminding all of us that just one small act can not only make someone's day, it can ultimately change the world. Now, Jake will not only be able to tell his grandchildren about this someday, he will have the video to prove it!
Thank you Mr. Conn for allowing us to have that memory forever! You are a bright light in our world!
To view the last few minutes of the game:
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